13 February 2025
Hotel Monarch
Kaiser-Augustus-Straße 36,
93333 Bad Gögging
We are pleased to invite you once again to a day filled with insightful presentations and discussions on the latest trends and innovations in the asphalt industry.
Our agenda includes a variety of topics, from asphalt maintenance and new challenges in the industry to decarbonization efforts and the economic viability of E-Truck charging. Esteemed speakers from leading companies will share their expertise and insights, providing valuable knowledge and networking opportunities.
For those who cannot attend in person, we offer an online participation option. Please use the provided link and code to join the event virtually.
We look forward to your participation and a day full of exciting and informative sessions!
Please use this link to join the event.
The login code is: VARO2025
Welcome and Safety Moment
Michael Lerchl, VARO Energy Germany GmbH
Asphalt Maintenance in Focus: Evaluation, Planning, and
Michael Bacher; Stefan Fischler, Nievelt Labor GmbH
New Challenges for the Asphalt Industry
Kerstin Gärtner, TPA GmbH
Decarbonization in the Asphalt Industry
Benjamin Janke, VARO Energy Germany GmbH
Asphalt Production in Switzerland
Christian Jacobi, Grisard Bitumen AG
How E-truck charging can already be economical today
Simon Schmitz, Elexon GmbH
Drivers & Initiatives to Net Zero Carbon Emissions in the
Pavement Industry
Carlos Rif, Ingevity Holdings s.p.r.l.
Overview of the European bitumen market – Argus price
assessments and a supply and demand view
Jonathan Weston, Fenella Rhodes, Argus Media Ltd.
VARO: Overview and outlook for the refinery
Markus Overheu, VARO Energy Germany GmbH
Keynote: Quo Vadis Road Construction - Challenges and
Solutions for Road Construction
Andreas Appelt, OTH Regensburg